Oil Painting Course Update

Michelle Curry’s 10-week Oil Painting students are making strides. I caught them mid-stroke in the studio today. Below is a peek at their their unfinished masterpeices. Michelle’s six 10-week courses (Watercolor, Acrylic, Oil, Colored Pencil, Drawing and Pastel) repeat four times a year. You may register for Michelle’s September courses now.

Make It an Art Day!

Wednesday July 26, 2023 we held our first Open Studio Day. Nine artists bought out supplies and worked on art of their choosing: acrylics, watercolor, oils, pastels, papercrafts. Creativity bloomed! Artists inspired and encouraged one another. Come as strangers, leave as friends! The art community is warm and welcoming! Join us next time. Open Studio… Continue reading Make It an Art Day!

Gelli-Plate Printing, July 8, 2023

Instructor, Melle Broaderick Photos contributed by Melle Broaderick If you hesitated because you wondered what’s a !! Gelli-Plate? you missed a great afternoon! Love to create? Join us at Chelsea Art Center. You’ll make new friends and for a few hours, totally immerse yourself in making art. Here are a few pics of the Gelli-Plate… Continue reading Gelli-Plate Printing, July 8, 2023

Hispanic Business Council Celebrates Chelsea Square Plaza

The Hispanic Business Council celebrated all Chelsea Square businesses with music, fanfare,and a ribbon-cutting ceremony June 29. The plaza deserves recognition. Although it is one of the oldest plazas in Ocala, every space is leased and businesses are thriving here. Shop owners have formed a friendly and supportive network that feels like “family”. Right in… Continue reading Hispanic Business Council Celebrates Chelsea Square Plaza

Update- June 20 -29, 2023

All is going well. Julie Garisto wrote a very nice article about Chelsea Art Center for the June 23 issue of Ocala Gazette. A link to the digital version of the publication is here. Thank you, Julie! Your article is pointing new visitors toward Chelsea Art Center. TAGS 202 with Melle Broaderick Drawing and Oil… Continue reading Update- June 20 -29, 2023

First Week of Classes!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023 Tags 202 with Melle Broaderick 1-3 pm This is a series of fun classes for the paper crafter with some experience. Tags can be used on gift bags or packages, tucked into a card, used for a bookmark or just kept and displayed to remember the thoughtfulness of the giver. Tags… Continue reading First Week of Classes!

May- Major Progress!

Chelsea Art Center renovations are nearing completion. We expect to schedule the final inspections with the City of Ocala soon! Below is a peek at the reception area, classrooms, and reference library. The walls are still bare, waiting for instructors to add their colorful works of art and make Chelsea Art Center really come alive.… Continue reading May- Major Progress!

Progress- April 29, 2023

I have been checking the status of the electrical work permit, morning, noon and night! FINALLY, the permit has been approved by the City of Ocala. That means the inspections should happen SOON that will allow work to continue on the electrical updates, the wheelchair accessible restroom, water fountain, storage closet, and pass-through to classroom… Continue reading Progress- April 29, 2023

Renovations Continue…

Chelsea Art Center became an official business entity in August 2022 when paperwork was filed with the State of Florida, the IRS, and the City of Ocala. More paperwork for the lease, then permits for the necessary updates and renovations. Major progress has been made, but work on the building is not finished. Watch for… Continue reading Renovations Continue…